Lisa Loos
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates


Bodywork includes a combination of manipulative massage modalities incorporating breathwork or energy techniques.  

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Canine Massage

Canine Massage provides similar therapeutic results as massage therapy does for people.  Your younger puppy can benefit from massage by applications focused on full-body pressure which also enhances proper bonding and socializing experiences.  Your furry, senior companion may exhibit aches and pains as they get older, and massage is perfect to relieve tired muscles, stiff joints, and simply to fill their hearts with an appreciation for man's best friend.

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Chair Massage

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension right in your home or workplace. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair which I bring to your location. In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.

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CranioSacral (SM)

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.

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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

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Energy Work

Energy work is based on the belief that everyone has a "life force", and that the body needs to sustain its balance for optimum health. Anytime you experience emotional or physical illness, it indicates that your life force has simply become unbalanced. I work directly with your energy field to restore balance and flow to your entire system. And once your energy field has been restored to full health, your body will follow.

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Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage is a form of massage designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly. It helps to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, and also increase range of motion. If you are elderly, geriatric massage can help you maintain and improve your overall health, as well as regain certain physical functions that have been reduced due to aging. In addition, since the elderly don't typically receive enough physical touch, this massage can also help alleviate symptoms of loneliness or depression.

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Integrated Energy Therapy

During an Integrated Energy Therapy session, you will experience the benefits of various hands-on manipulation techniques and the bonus of energy healings such as Lightwave Energy Technology (developed by Bryan de Flores) and Matrix Energetics (developed by Richard Bartlett) . 

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Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics (developed by Richard Bartlett) promotes change and healing in ways that are unlike most modalities.  A practitioner uses unique and individualized ways of connecting through imaginary tools, windows, and time/space continuum.  This allows focusing on the body, mind & spirit components where transformation can easily occur.  Grab your intention and let's get started!

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Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is a system of massage techniques that were developed in the 1930's by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. It uses a holistic approach towards healing, emphasizing and stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself. Neuromuscular therapy also enhances the function of joints and muscles, and accelerates the overall healing process by facilitating the release of endorphins.

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Oriental Bodywork

Oriental bodywork aims to restore and balance the flow of energy (Chi) throughout your body. It uses gentle hand and finger pressure along specific points and energy pathways (meridians) on your body to restore your body to full health. There are many forms of Oriental bodywork, but they all share a common foundation in Chinese Medicine. They simply differ in their use of specific techniques to balance your energy.

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Passive Joint Movement

Passive Joint Movement is a gentle stretching technique that opens blood flow and stretches the muscular, tendon, and ligament areas of the body.  In this passive manipulation, you will receive more benefits because it adds to the active stretching you may or may not practice on your own.  

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Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.

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Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

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Table Thai Massage

Table Thai Massage includes the theory of Traditional Thai Massage, except it is performed with a client on the table instead of on a floor mat.  There are many benefits to Thai-style stretching.  A client may be expecting only muscle tightness to be relieved during a full body massage.  But with Table Thai techniques, one can have surrounding muscle areas addressed as well.  By releasing tension in fascia, ligaments, tendons, and deeper muscular structures the body will flow in a more harmonious way.  

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Thai Foot Massage

Thai Foot Massage includes Traditional Thai Massage techniques on the legs and feet of the client.  After a Thai Foot Massage, clients feel as if they've experienced a complete body massage.

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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage is what I describe as my own specific blending of modalities.  I feel that in the blending of techniques, I can provide a client with a customized, individual experience that will fully address the body, mind, and spirit.  Instead of focusing specifically on large muscle groups, my therapeutic massage gets into the deep regions of muscles, relaxes fascia, opens joints, and helps release emotional blockages, therefore restoring a wonderful flow of natural Qi to the entire whole.

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